The Armenian Highland, the Homeland of Armenians

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Search Results (2218)

Aghitu 2 Monuments

RA (Republic of Armenia) (Country) / Syunik (Marz (Region)) / Aghitu (Village)

Kharberd 4 Monuments

Turkey (Country) / Kharberd (Province) / Kharberd (District)

Alakilise 1 Monument

Turkey (Country) / Erzrum (Province) / Nerkin (Lower) Basen (District) / Alakilise (Village)

Kechror 1 Monument

Turkey (Country) / Kars (Province) / (District) / Kechror (Village)

Malatia 1 Monument

Turkey (Country) / Kharberd (Province) / Malatia (District) / Malatia (City)

Malatia 1 Monument

Turkey (Country) / Kharberd (Province) / Malatia (District)

Tzatgegh 2 Monuments

Turkey (Country) / Erzrum (Province) / Erzrum (District) / Yerznka (District Centre) / Tzatgegh (Village)

Tordan 1 Monument

Turkey (Country) / Erzrum (Province) / (District) / Tordan (Village)

Samtzevris 1 Monument

Georgia (Country) / Gugark (Province) / Samtzevris (Village)

Poladar 4 Monuments

Georgia (Country) / Gugark (Province) / Poladar (Village)

Bolnis Khachen 3 Monuments

Georgia (Country) / Gugark (Province) / Bolnis Khachen (Village)

Khashnots 1 Monument

Turkey (Country) / Van (Province) / Aghbak (District) / Khashnots (Village)

Chanakhchi 2 Monuments

Georgia (Country) / Gugark (Province) / Marneul (District) / Chanakhchi (Village)

Marneul 10 Monuments

Georgia (Country) / Gugark (Province) / Marneul (District)

Gyavrenji 1 Monument

Turkey (Country) / Erzrum (Province) / Derjan (District) / Gyavrenji (Village)

Taylar 1 Monument

Turkey (Country) / Kars (Province) / Bash-Shoragyal (District) / Taylar (Village)

Solak 1 Monument

RA (Republic of Armenia) (Country) / Kotayk (Marz (Region)) / Solak (Village)

Banak 1 Monument

Turkey (Country) / Kars (Province) / Olti (District) / Banak (Village)

Ptghni 1 Monument

RA (Republic of Armenia) (Country) / Kotayk (Marz (Region)) / Ptghni (Village)

Voskepar 119 Monuments

RA (Republic of Armenia) (Country) / Tavush (Marz (Region)) / Noyemberian (District) / Voskepar (Village)

Odzun 5 Monuments

RA (Republic of Armenia) (Country) / Lori (Marz (Region)) / Tumanian (District) / Odzun (Village)

Norovants 1 Monument

Turkey (Country) / Van (Province) / Moks (District) / Norovants (Village)

Diarbekir 2 Monuments

Turkey (Country) / (Province) / Diarbekir (District)

Sag 1 Monument

Turkey (Country) / Van (Province) / Shatakh (District) / Sag (Village)

Vagharshavan 1 Monument

Turkey (Country) / Erzrum (Province) / Verin (Upper) Basen (District) / Vagharshavan (Village)